background-image:url(; jeriah: October 2010

Friday, October 29, 2010

The life I have!!!!

I'm feeling like moon and stars in space.I was watching a documantery about the plants.Every body was having a good time.My brother is talking about the ???? school.I like games like Namonamochu it has a rule which is very complex.hahahahahahahaha jokes are funny and sometimes has no meanings.Like a joke that my friend told me today.Ok here it goes,there was a Ms America,Ms Malasia and Ms Singapore.So a judge asked a question,"name me a fruit that starts with the letter'L'"Ms America said"Longan!"Ms Malasia said"????"Ms Singapore said"Luiluian"..........................................................................It was for me quite dum.After all there is no such thing as'luiluian'right.Tick tock tick tock tick tock tick tock.Hahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahaha just joking around.I'm a really fungi.Get it 'Fungi'(Fun guy)Hahahahahahahaha.Bye now.I like this photo